The following shipping options are available to most of our customers within the United States. If one of the shipping options is not displayed during checkout, then it is not available to your delivery address. Pricing is calculated in real time during checkout, based on your delivery address.
Orders placed after 1pm EST may not ship until the next business day. Shipping companies do not count the day a package is shipped, weekends or holidays as business days.
Typically delivered in 4 - 7 days, no delivery time guarantee, no insurance, limited tracking. Not recommended for time sensitive shipments.
Typically delivered in 3 - 5 days, no delivery time guarantee, no insurance, limited tracking
Typically delivered in 2 - 4 business days, no delivery time guarantee, up to $50 of insurance coverage, limited tracking
Delivered in 3 - 5 business days, delivery time guarantee, insurance, full tracking
Delivered in 2 business days, delivery time guarantee, insurance, full tracking
Delivered in 1 business day, delivery time guarantee, insurance, full tracking
The following shipping options are available to most of our customers outside of the United States. If one of the shipping options is not displayed during checkout, then it is not available to your delivery address. Pricing is calculated in real time during checkout, based on your delivery address and does not include any customs, duties or taxes that may be imposed by your country. Customs processing times are not included in delivery times and vary from country to country.
Typically delivered in 7 - 14 days, no delivery time guarantee, no insurance, limited tracking. Not recommended for time sensitive shipments.
Typically delivered in 2 - 5 days, no delivery time guarantee, no insurance, limited tracking. Not recommended for time sensitive shipments.
Prices for all of our shipping options are calculated in real time during checkout and directly reflect what each shipping carrier charges when shipping the number of ties on your order to your location. We do not mark up the prices of our shipping and any discounts we receive are passed on to you.
For guaranteed delivery times, suggests customers use Ground, Expedited or Express shipping options. These are the only shipping options that offer delivery time guarantees. It is important to remember that shipping companies do not count the day an order is shipped, holidays or weekends as shipping days. UPS and FedEx services are backed by UPS and FedEx money back guaranties. Please visit or to see the terms and conditions.
If there are any issues with your delivery, in order to best assist you, we need to know as soon as possible. Claims for non-delivery/late delivery must be filed within 7 days or the carrier provided delivery date.
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